Monday 21 November 2011

What is Covered by the Health policy in the Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are expensive, most of the participants slant of the medical reimbursement due to their financial instability. One should understand that the health policy does not cover the total costs of the clinical trial. Includes and excludes of the health policy should be notified to the participant before he/she takes part in the medical trial.

The costs those are generally included in the health plan if the test undergone is the part of the clinical trial requirement. Any additional medication or the doctor visits in this regard will be covered by the health policy. The consequences of the clinical trials tests also will be taken care. 

The costs will not be covered by the health policy if the trial proves to be investigational and there is no established data to determine the safety and efficiency. The products provided by the sponsor for the free of cost will not be covered in the health plan.

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