Tuesday 20 December 2011

Reverse The Symptoms Of HIV Aids With The Herbal Supplement Proved In The Clinical Trials

HIV is the most threatening diseases in human life, the symptoms are horrible and it stops the human life earlier than expected. The success of Sutherlandia OPCin reversing the symptoms of HIV initiated the researcher to conduct the clinical trial to give the legal declaration about the effectiveness of the medicine. A small scale clinical trial is conducted on the herbal supplement ingrained by oleander plant, Nerium Oleander, and the "South Africa Cancer Bush" Sutherlandia Frutescens.

The clinical trial conducted with a group of 20 people, few of them that received placebo treatment with draw from the clinical trial as their condition was detraining further. The Sutherlandia OPC showed positive results by increasing the CD4 count of the active participants. The CD4 cont in the patients that received the placebo treatment was 135 and active participants CD4 saw a fall to 87.

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