Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Primary Regions Of Brain Focused In Brain Cancer Clinical Trials

When the group of volunteers actually enters the brain cancer clinical trials, they are not immediately pushed into the clinical trial process. Brain cancer usually affects different areas of brain with the growing tumor. They focus the studies on the symptoms discovered as direct result of the cancer and to grab more information about type of cancer that is affecting the patient. 

Six primary regions of the brain studied by the researchers include cerebellum, brain stem, frontal lobe occipital lobe, parietal lobe and temporal lobe. Cerebellum is the region located just above the brain steam, backside of the brain. Brain stem helps in connecting the brain to the spinal cord. Front lobe is located in the front section of the brain and carries many important activities.  Parietal lobe is the section of the brain that helps the patients to perform activities like ability to touch, feel and various cognitive functions. Temporal lobe helps in memorizing the memory of the brain. Different segments are studied in the brain cancer clinical trial. It is important for the volunteer to present the detail health history to conclude the right brain cancer clinical trial for specified clinical trial.

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