Tuesday 8 May 2012

Pregnitude for women with Fertility Issues

About 6.1 million ladies across the United States of America have a problem getting pregnant, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A brand new non-prescription Reproductive Support Dietary Supplement, Pregnitude™, which has myo-inositol (2 g), plus folic acid (200 mcg), is currently available for ladies that are having difficulty getting pregnant, Everett Laboratories announced today. In medical studies, Pregnitude has been proven to help support ovulation functionality and menstrual cycle frequency in addition to support the overall quality of a female's eggs.

"Everett Labs is honored to create this particularly new, important contribution to women's health. By using Pregnitude, we're thrilled to provide new option to help women that are having difficulty getting pregnant. We are precisely confident that obstetricians and gynecologists around the nation will see a valuable option for women to aid the ovulation frequency, frequency and good-quality of eggs," said Lucas Sigman, Chief Executive Officer, Everett Laboratories, Inc.

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