Tuesday 17 April 2012

News of Mass Health Budget

Research from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation says the fact that commonwealth's health regulation has added up to only a small rise in spending money on health care. Meanwhile, a few striving municipalities in Massachusetts have elected from a new law that in fact reduces regional government's share of health care costs for workers.

Kaiser Health News:

Outside Massachusetts, discuss show hosts and legislator often break the state's health protection regulation being a "budget buster." That is certainly simply one of the myths the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) hopes to actually debunk by using a report out Friday. Michael Widmer, president of a typical MTF, says the state has depleted just $91 million more a year ever since 2006 to move across the uninsured, than it was spending prior to the law passed.

Boston Globe:

Ninety-four municipalities and school regions across the state have legitimately utilized a state law that in fact saves taxpayer’s millions of dollars by decreasing regional government's share of health care costs for city and town people. But three communities south of Boston, Brockton, Kingston, and Easton could be the four in the Bay Form to actually legitimately reject the financial savings steps.

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