Monday 26 September 2011

Improve Diversified Voulnteer Participation In The Clinical Trials

Health always depends on the climatic conditions surrounding the country. Do you agree? Why most the medications that come out of the clinical trial are not able to treat the humans globally. The only reason is in appropriate perception of the people in the clinical trials. Lack of knowledge about the benefits offered by the medical trials is keeping the minority section far from attending the clinical trials. 

The end results are making the medication in active when treated on the non participated section the minority people. The minorities are more likely to develop cancer and die from it than the general public in the U.S, the recent report  says, effort should be made to encourage the enrollment of these minorities in the clinical trials educating them about the benefit of their participation in the medical trials  increasing their good health. Their enrollment in the clinical trials would encourage the tailored therapies to see the betterment in their health conditions

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